Stop smoking now

• Project management
• Logo and Corporate Design
• UX UI Design
• Web development
• Illustration

SEO Text @aufdenpunkt

“”As a doctor, I came into contact with many patients who urgently needed to stop smoking, if only for health reasons. When they asked me how, I could only point to a few programs, some of whose effectiveness was also very controversial. That was my starting signal to think about how an optimal non-smoking program for my practice must look like, so that it is accepted and also sustainably brings the smoker away from his beloved and hated cigarette.””

About the project

“Stop smoking now” is a training program that offers smokers a new way out of addiction. Participants learn strategies to kick their addiction and find alternatives to deal with typical smoking situations sustainably and realistically.
The program was developed by Dr. Peter Schulte, MD.
Dr. Schulte is a specialist in general medicine and psychotherapist (VT), Professor of Prevention and Occupational Health Management at the Weserbergland University of Applied Sciences (HSW) and Scientific Director of the “Länger besser leben” Institute, a cooperation between HSW and the BKK24 health insurance fund.

buyer persona example

Target groups: end customers, B2B costumers

S.-S.-N. is aimed at women and men between the ages of 30 and 60 who want to overcome their addiction as easily, quickly and inexpensively as possible. Goals: Self-determination, health, saving money. Particularly among women, there is a strong awareness of health issues.

buyer persona example

Company health management  Smoking cessation with company health management and smoking cessation programs based solely on general practice. Third-party providers can offer and implement strategies that include work-based interventions and smoking cessation support for workers.


The unwieldy topic of addiction has negative connotations and is associated with social stigma. Every smoker knows “it’s not good for me, but I love it anyway …”. The relationship with the cigarette is thus a kind of love-hate relationship and partly seen as a sign of weakness.
Smokers do not want to be lectured because of their irrational behavior, because the rational reasons for quitting are known to everyone. Smokers know about their weakness and are afraid of failure.



Desired tonality “Preferably with a certain wink, sympathetic, humorous, but still serious.
The logo has an attention-grabbing and cheerful color combination, the three “O “s are reminiscent of the traffic light principle, the participants should learn to recognize for themselves what is good and what is bad for them.
The usual “motivation-better living-picture-language” avoided using the dragon figure.


The web design is clear and designed to meet the needs of the target groups alone. With the optimization of the site for the search engines (SEO) and appropriate texts by @aufdenpunkt, this website is clear to understand and navigate for the users. Each main target group has its own “landing page”, where frequently asked questions are answered quickly and clearly.


The non-smoking dragon is an empathetic character that helps to understand what is going on inside us. Its design should be playful, but at the same time serious.

The figure is a strong recognition feature of the program. The dragon accompanies the participants through the different topics of the program and reflects their different feelings.